Parents of those with developmental disabilities often worry about their child’s vulnerability, but when kids have Williams syndrome — a condition marked by a lack of social fear — that concern takes on a whole new dimension.

Those with the rare genetic disorder have intellectual disabilities and specific physical characteristics, but they often stand out due to their extreme sense of friendliness and trust. Kids with Williams syndrome have been known to say “I love you” to people they’ve only just met or get in a stranger’s car as a result of their complete lack of social inhibition.

Scientists believe that this heightened sense of trust may stem from variances in the part of the brain responsible for emotion. It’s suspected that people with Williams syndrome have altered levels of oxytocin, a chemical which gives people an innate sense of when to trust.

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For parents of one 9-year-old girl with the disorder — who chose to remain anonymous due to safety concerns — there are both positive and negative implications. On the one hand, they say the girl’s trustful instincts mean that she requires extensive supervision. Her mom tries not to take her to the store very often and the third grader is not allowed to go to the bathroom alone when she’s at school. At the same time, it can be nice to be around a little girl who offers nothing but affection, reports NPR. To read more click here.

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