Students With Disabilities Are Entitled To Job Training. Many Don’t Get It
There's a half-billion-dollar federal program that is supposed to help students with disabilities get into the workforce, but most parents — and even some school officials — don't know it exists.
Supreme Court To Weigh How ADA, 504 Claims Against Schools Should Be Handled
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to take up a case centering on what standard students must meet in order to bring claims of disability discrimination at school.
Ed Department Report Reveals Sharp Inequities For Students With IEPs, 504 Plans
New data from thousands of school districts across the nation is highlighting stark differences in the experiences of students with disabilities compared to their typically developing peers.
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School District Files Suit Against Parents Over Special Education Reimbursement
A school district has filed a federal lawsuit against a set of parents after it was ordered to reimburse them more than $120,000 to send their child to a private school.
Report: Charters’ Flexibility Can Enable Better Outcomes For Students In Special Ed
Schools with promising strategies hold both general education teachers and special educators responsible for all students' growth, researchers found.
Ed Department May Require Schools To Report ‘Informal Removals’ Of Kids With Disabilities
Federal officials are eyeing changes to the types of information that schools nationwide must report about the experiences of students with disabilities.
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Facing School Staff Shortage, State Giving Special Educators One-Time Stipends
One state will divide $8.9 million among special education teachers, paraeducators and other staff as one-time bonuses meant to help address the field's alarming recruitment and retention problems.
How Trump’s Plan To Close The Ed Department Might Impact Students With Disabilities
President-elect Donald Trump says he wants to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education, but experts are split on what that would mean for students with disabilities across the nation.
School Bans 9-Year-Old’s Seizure Alert Service Dog, Lawsuit Says
The parents of a boy who is nonverbal and has multiple disabilities allege that school officials banned his service dog over behaviors that were intended to alert others of the child's seizures.
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Civil Rights Commission To Examine Special Ed Teacher Shortages
An independent federal agency is set to investigate how teacher shortages are impacting the growing number of students with disabilities across the nation.
Ruling Revives Lawsuit To Allow State Funding For Special Ed To Go To Religious Schools
In a move that could have nationwide implications, an appeals court revived a lawsuit by families who sued over one state's policy of not funding special education programs at religious schools.
Schools Nationwide Scramble To Fill Special Ed Vacancies
Schools struggled to fill teaching positions — especially those focused on serving students with disabilities — even as classes got underway this fall, data shows.