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View of a child's reflection in a mirror during a dental cleaning

Pediatricians Get Guidance On Dental Care For Kids With Developmental Disabilities

Children with IDD often struggle to access dental care even though they are at increased risk of tooth decay and other issues. Now, new guidance is detailing what pediatricians should do to help.

July 22, 2024

13-Year-Old With Cerebral Palsy Stuck In The ER Since Christmas

Her parents, hospital officials, advocates and state officials want to find a placement, but there's no place else to go.

July 19, 2024
Autism Speaks PSA

Study Warns Against Too Much Autism Intervention

When it comes to autism intervention, new research suggests that more may not always be better.

July 9, 2024

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Two people seated on couch

Medicaid For Millions In America Hinges On Systems Plagued By Errors

The technology has generated notices with errors, sent Medicaid paperwork to the wrong addresses and been frozen for hours at a time, according to state audits, court documents and interviews.

July 9, 2024
Image of fossil

Fossil Suggests Neanderthals Cared For Child With Down Syndrome

A fossilized ear bone is providing evidence that a Neanderthal child with Down syndrome lived to be at least 6-years-old and was cared for by others.

June 28, 2024
FDA sign in front of building

FDA Ban On Shock Devices For Those With Developmental Disabilities Faces New Hurdle

With the FDA poised to again ban the use of electric shock devices on people with developmental disabilities, advocates are warning that some in Congress are quietly trying to circumvent their plans.

June 20, 2024

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FBI Investigates Autism Centers, Which Have Exploded In Growth

The FBI is investigating possible Medicaid fraud in the treatment of autism in one state, according to sources with knowledge of the investigation, as program spending has surged in recent years.

June 19, 2024

Mom Struggles To Get Diagnosis For Son’s Developmental Problems

One mother has spent 10 months seeking help for her 4-year-old son's speech and behavior issues from his school district and her Medicaid health insurer. She still doesn't have an answer.

June 18, 2024
Man speaks during Senate hearing

Residential Facilities Put Kids With IDD At Risk, Senate Investigators Say

In a scathing new report, U.S. Senate investigators say that residential treatment facilities serving children with developmental disabilities and other behavioral needs are a hotbed of abuse and neglect.

June 17, 2024

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Boy sits on floor as therapist tries to get his attention

Clinical Standards For Autism Treatment See Major Update

For the first time in a decade, there are new guidelines for the most widely-used autism treatment.

June 10, 2024

Doctors Get Guidance On Supporting Teens With IDD

The nation's pediatricians are getting new guidance on how to help teenagers with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families navigate the transition to adulthood.

June 7, 2024
Girl is pushed on backyard swing

Medicaid Waiver Changes Could Lead To More Institutionalization, Advocates Fear

As one state revamps its systems for assessing and funding services for people with disabilities, those who rely on the critical waiver dollars are on edge.

June 6, 2024

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