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Trump stands at podium speaking to crowd

Trump Suggested Some With Disabilities ‘Should Just Die,’ Nephew Says

In a new book, Donald Trump's nephew Fred C. Trump III says that the former president told him that people like his son, who has intellectual and developmental disabilities, 'should just die.'

July 25, 2024

Another State May End Subminimum Wage

Fifteen states have passed laws eliminating their 14(c) programs that legally pay people with disabilities below the federal minimum wage. Another state could join the list.

July 23, 2024
People hold signs at DSP rally

Amid Shortage Of DSPs, Disability Advocates Push For Nationwide Head Count

The federal government is weighing whether to start tracking the number of DSPs, a move advocates call a critical first step in easing the nation's dire shortage of workers caring for people with IDD.

July 19, 2024

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Direct care worker helps man

Billions Are Spent On IDD Services Annually. Where Does It All Go?

The federal government spent $80.6 billion to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in 2021 alone. A new report breaks down where it went.

July 16, 2024

State Protection And Advocacy Organization Under Investigation

An organization that serves as the watchdog for how one state treats people with disabilities is under federal review after a series of complaints.

July 16, 2024
A man with Down syndrome picks up trash

Feds Weighing Changes To Subminimum Wage Program

Federal officials are rethinking the government program that allows people with disabilities to be paid less than minimum wage, with a new proposal expected soon.

July 11, 2024

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Sign outside Microsoft office

Microsoft Settles Allegations Of Disability Leave Discrimination

Microsoft will pay a $14.4-million settlement after being accused of retaliation and discrimination against workers who take parental or disability leave, or leave to take care of a family member.

July 9, 2024
Supreme Court building with handicapped sign in front

Supreme Court Ruling May Upend Disability Rights Protections, Advocates Fear

Countless federal regulations ensuring the rights of people with disabilities could face legal challenges after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a 40-year-old precedent.

July 8, 2024
Wheelchair sits in hallway

Justice Department Cites States For Disability Rights Violations

A quarter century after a landmark Supreme Court decision affirming the rights of people with disabilities to live in the community, federal officials are cracking down on ADA violations in multiple states.

June 24, 2024

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FDA sign in front of building

FDA Ban On Shock Devices For Those With Developmental Disabilities Faces New Hurdle

With the FDA poised to again ban the use of electric shock devices on people with developmental disabilities, advocates are warning that some in Congress are quietly trying to circumvent their plans.

June 20, 2024

FBI Investigates Autism Centers, Which Have Exploded In Growth

The FBI is investigating possible Medicaid fraud in the treatment of autism in one state, according to sources with knowledge of the investigation, as program spending has surged in recent years.

June 19, 2024
Man speaks during Senate hearing

Residential Facilities Put Kids With IDD At Risk, Senate Investigators Say

In a scathing new report, U.S. Senate investigators say that residential treatment facilities serving children with developmental disabilities and other behavioral needs are a hotbed of abuse and neglect.

June 17, 2024

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